Monday, July 14, 2008

On Safari

We'll get back to stories of the mission trip...but I just can resist posting a picture of a Yellow African Hornbill. It was one of the many birds that I took a picture of that day...but the light was right and it was in focus!

Thank you Jesus for all creatures big and small.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Clinic for the Children

On Monday, we set up a clinic for the sick children. It's winter time in Africa, not supper cold just chilly, and the children don't appear to have jackets or sweat shirts. We have no clue what they sleep on or under in their hut.

We bring medicine and set up a table. The Clinic is open. We hope to help with the symptoms of the common cold as well as kill a few parasites that may be lurking in a child's intestines.

And like all medical offices...there is a waiting room with a long wait. There are no magazines to thumb through, no comfy chairs, or wall art. There are no walls. But you do get to sign in...and then wait.


If you can do can build a church.

The first day on the job and David Woods gives our instructions.
Take a brick.
Sweep it off on all sides.
Put it on the wall.

That's pretty much it. Add the rebar and the windows and the roof, and you're done.

Thanks for the instructions, David.
Let's get to work.

Dressed to Work

(L-R) Gordon Botting, Richard Dederer, Jim Whitcome

The first day on the work site is one of excitement. There is the scent of sunscreen and zinc-oxide in the air! New gloves are ready to get down to work. Hard hats are adjusted, and combined with other head gear to provide protection against UVA and falling tools or bricks.

Give the instructions, O Superintendent! Your wish is my command!

Let's be bold for God.


We were situated pretty good, as mission trips go. We weren't in the Hilton (Most short term missionaries don't stay in a Hilton, anyway. There are very few ritzy hotels in third world countries.) And we weren't under the stars. We were in tents.

On my mission trips...I've stayed...
in a house that was under construction in Central Mexico (Don't mind that tick!)
in a 2 star hotel in Honduras (Walk down the hall for a toilet and cold shower.)
in an administration building under construction in Guyana (Mind the biting ants!)
in a suite in the Literature Ministry Seminary in Rwanda (3 hot showers in 3 weeks.)
and now...
in a green army surplus tent, with a cot and pad, in Mozambique.

It was very comfortable (After three nights, I swapped out my first cot with the bent leg for a better one!), and there was a shower and toilet in the immediate camping area. There was even an awning to hang a wet towel!

Yep...we were set up pretty well. And we give God the praise.